Appleby DNA project
The Appleby DNA Project covers all variants of the Appleby Surname - including Applebee, Appelbe, Apelbe, Applebey and an archive copy of the website is held at please note, this site was last updated in 2016!
The APPLEBY DNA project at Family Tree DNA was set up in 2009 and currently has 66 sets of yDNA results - most of which fall into one of six geographical groups. There are also 62 sets of autosomal DNA results within the Group Project. The website includes full details of these results as well as a growing number of reconstructed APPLEBY/BEE family trees. There are also We also provide resource data comprising spreadsheets of baptisms, marriages and burials, as well as census entries for Applebys in various parts of the British Isles. We are continuing to add many more family trees as well as BMD and census information for other parts of the world where Applebys migrated.
The line of Joseph Appleby, tin plate worker of Bethnal Green, is included in the DNA Project, (the main reason I set up the project was to break down a brick wall in our own line of Applebys ... sadly, the wall is still standing though there are some clues that our Joseph may connect to some lines originating in the Midlands).
Although I stood down from my role as coordinator of the Appleby-one-name study back in 2016, I have agreed to continue responsibility for the DNA Project (until a younger, fitter person with an interest in this surname comes forward to take over both the one-name study and the DNA Project!). I have also continued to add information about Appleby lines recently researched to the live version of the website at (but at present the live version requires numerous corrections following the transfer of all my websites to a new host, which resulted in missing and broken links and the absence of all charts and data spreadsheets. I need to complete the corrections on two other sites before I will get round to the Appleby site)
If you have Applebys in your family history, and wish to contribute information to be held on file until a new Co-ordinator takes over the One-name Study, please email me using the CONTACT address on this website. And if you are a male Appleby descendant who still carries the surname (i.e. you are a directly descended through the male line) and wish to become a yDNA test volunteer to represent your line of Applebys, use the Contact form on the Family Tree DNA website to ask to be included in the Appleby DNA project. PLEASE NOTE, I no longer hold any donated funds to make any contribution towards the cost of any test!!

Mastel Family History
Mastel Family History