Mastel Family History
Mastel Family History
Display issues:
The web hosting company that I used to set up this website, Moonfruit, no longer exists and all sites have very recently been transferred to WIX. I am just beginning to get the hang of how the new software works, so it may take me a while to update pages!!
In particular, I am in the process of correcting all the MISSING and BROKEN links within the site. I can only apologise for this infuriating problem - I have discovered that virtually ALL of the links which should take you to another page in this site, actually return you to the Home Page. I can only ask you to be patient and please do return to this site in a week or so when hopefully I will have corrected these errors (NB - I have FIVE websites which were transferred and every one of them has exactly the same problem!!)
It also seems that many of the spreadsheets and family tree charts are also missing (or at least the links are not functioning!). This looks like a more serious problem as they may need to be produced in a different format before I can successfully upload them to the site. As you may imagine, I am getting increasinly frustrated ... as these problems don't only affect THIS website, they also occur in my other Genealogy websites!
When viewing the site on a mobile device, some pages suffered from blocks of text/images overlapping - this was a recent problem that I never managed to resolve on the old hosting service, but hopefully the new editing software will help. Generally, given the volume of information on each page, it is far better to view the site on a pc.
I also recently noticed a problem with viewing pdf files on mobile devices. Previously these opened in a new window so you could move between the main page and the spreadsheet, regardless of the device you were using. Now if you are using a tablet or mobile, you may get a request asking you if you wish to download the file. Click yes and you should see a 'down arrow' flashing top right of your screen which will lead to the pdf. You will have to SAVE the file if you wish to refer to it again. Users of PCs should continue to see the pdf in a new window.
If you discover any problems in viewing pages on this website, please let me know using the contact details provided.