Mastel Family History
Mastel Family History
the Ward, Kent and Howes families
This photo of the Ward family only came to light when we were clearing my parents' home in Cornwall after my father's death. Although it has obviously been displayed in a frame, I don't recall ever seeing it on the wall at 9 Back Lane.
For years I had been asking my dad for a photo of himself as a child - and this seems to be the only one in existence! I think it was taken in about 1919, in the garden of 9 Back Lane, Hampstead, the family home for over sixty years. By the time I visited the Back Lane house, there was an Anderson shelter roughtly where the family are sitting in this photo! And cousin Barbara tells me that for a while there were chickens (and a cockerel) but I don't remember that [click on the photo for a larger image]
Standing at rear: Frank Ward junior
Middle: Frank Ward, Harry, Rhoda with baby Beattie, Elsie, Eliza Snary (Rhoda's mother)
Front: Alice and Leonard (my father always told me that he had blonde curly hair as a child ... now I believe him)

This section updated November 2018
The Wards lived in Hampstead from 1900 - before that they came from Bristol. The Kents lived around Colerne and Wilts/Glos borders where many were saddlers or publicans. The Howes family came from Bristol/Gloucestershire, many of whom were innkeepers or furriers. I hope to add details of later branches of this line in the next few months.
First generation - my father Leonard Ward
Second generation - my grandfather Frank Ward - who married Rhoda Snary (see SNARY section)
Third Generation - great grandparents John Ward, Mary Ann Kent
Fourth Generation - great great grandparents Thomas Kent, Harriet Howes
Fifth Generation - 3 x great grandparents George Kent and Mary Thompson, Enos Howes and Mary Ann Scuse, plus earlier KENTS and HOWES (I hope to publish this page soon)
If you have HOWES, HOUSE or HOWS in your ancestry, you should definitely visit the website of the Howes One-name Study to learn more .... Howes Families