This photo shows Kath Johnson with their first child Annie who was born in 1920.

Bill and Kath Johnson in the centre, with their four surviving children - left to right: Tommy, Brian, Annie and Chris

This photo was taken at the start of WW2, when Annie was accompanying her brother Tommy to enlist in the RAF

Mastel Family History
Mastel Family History
Grandparents - Kathleen DEARL

Kathleen Dearl - always known as Kath - was born on 3 March 1897 in Clontarf, Dublin. She was the fourth of six children of Thomas Dearl and Annie (nee Mulroy). However Kath's birth was recorded as Catherine DERILE and at her baptism she appears as Catherine DERRILL!
Kath's family lived in Mooney's Cottages in the early years and later moved to Brian Boru Street (see next generation). I am not sure where she met Bill JOHNSON, but they were married at the Catholic Church in Clontarf on 7th Sept 1919. At this time, Bill was a sailor in Her Majesty's Navy on HMS Terror, docked in Portsmouth. There is also a family story that Kath had worked in a Munitions Factory in Glasgow during WW1 where she was captain of the women's football team! - I haven't managed to confirm that.
In the early years of their marriage the couple lived in Oxford - where their first child - Annie Kathleen JOHNSON was born, but soon after Annie's birth the family moved to Port Talbot where Bill worked in the railways (see the page for William Johnson for more information.
The family home was in Blodwen Street in Port Talbot, where they both enjoyed a good social life - Bill with his football and cricket and Kath was captain of the Great Western Railway Social Club in Port Talbot, and loved playing whist and darts.
Kath died on 15 September 1972 in Neath and was buried with Bill and their daughter Marie in the Goytre cemetery, high in the hills overlooking Port Talbot and Swansea Bay.
children of Bill and Kath Johnson:
Annie, 1920-2008 - married to John Mastel (see JOHNSON page)
Tommy, 1922-1991 - married to Muriel
Chris, 1934-2018 - married to June
Brian, 1936- - married to Pat
Marie, (1939-1940)
Kath and Tommy Dearl with youngest son Brian and married daughter Annie in Trafalgar Square on a rare visit to London