Mastel Family History
Mastel Family History
Rudyard Kipling's home - Batemans

Bateman's was built in around 1634 and bought by Rudyard Kipling in 1901. The Kipling Society website tells us a little about how he came to purchase it "..it was the heartbreaking Locomobile that brought us to the house called 'Bateman's', he wrote in 'Something of Myself'. We had seen an advertisement of her, and we reached her down an enlarged rabbit-hole of a lane. At very first sight the Committee of Ways and Means [Mrs Kipling and himself] said 'That's her! The only She! Make an honest woman of her - quick!'. We entered and felt her Spirit - her Feng Shui - to be good. We went through every room and found no shadow of ancient regrets, stifled miseries, nor any menace though the 'new' end of her was three hundred years old..." [the first image shows how the house looked in 1901]
Apparently, at this time, Kipling was the most famous writer in the English-speaking world - earning £5,000 per annum (a huge amount for this period). Bateman's was bought for £9,300 and came with 33 acres. Subsequently, Kipling purchased more adjacent land and the estate now covers 300 acres - there are a number of marked footpaths within the estate which visitors can enjoy (each around 2 1/2 miles) [from National Trust information leaflet]
The final photo is of Kipling's Rolls Royce - he was very enthusiastic about motor cars, though never learned to drive himself! The previous three photos were taken at the Flour Mill, which is in the process of restoration to full working order.